Emma Marrone, the Italian singer who won Amici and San Remo in 2012 and represented Italy in Eurovision, speaks candidly on the Italian television show called Le lene. She talks about herself and how she first discovered she had a tumor and how she overcame it. Additionally, she reflects on the topic of assisted reproduction, the dream of becoming a mother, and how in Italy the possibilities are very different from other countries like Spain.
Assisted reproduction, in recent years, has revolutionized the way we approach infertility, opening up a new and broad world of possibilities for those who wish to become parents and struggle with infertility. Specifically in Spain, this field has experienced significant growth in recent decades, both in terms of technological advances and social acceptance, making Spain one of the pioneering countries in assisted reproduction.
Emma speaks about her tumor and how her experience highlights the importance of gynecological check-ups for women's health. She recounts that it was all thanks to a friend and coworker who had to undergo a gynecological examination and asked her to accompany her. So, while there, she also had the medical visit following her friend's advice, and it was there that they discovered the tumor that caused her to lose her ovaries.
When asked if she had frozen her eggs, she said: "No, I didn't have time because there was no hope, but still, I can have children. I have a uterus. However, we live in a country where unfortunately single women cannot have children through assisted reproduction without the presence of a partner. I am 39 years old and I have all the tools to be a mother: financially, psychologically, family support, but since I don't have a partner, I cannot have the right to be a mother."
She also added: "I would like to be a mother knowing that all women have the right to it. I don't like to think that it's always and only an economic issue."
In Spain, unlike Italy, assisted reproduction treatments are available to all women who wish to conceive and who, due to external reasons, find it difficult to do so, thus helping their desire to become mothers. Regardless of whether they are single or have a same-sex partner, something that would be impossible in Italy.
Assisted reproduction is important because it provides hope, expands parenting options, addresses various causes of infertility, improves the quality of life of patients, and contributes to the continuous advancement of reproductive medicine. It is an invaluable tool for those who dream of starting a family but face challenges on the path to conception, and in cases like this, the biggest obstacle is being a single woman.
Italy has a long tradition in medicine, but its approach to assisted reproduction has been more restrictive. Although IVF is legally allowed, Italian legislation is more restrictive than Spanish legislation in terms of who can access these treatments. For example, IVF is only available to married heterosexual couples, excluding unmarried couples and single individuals. Additionally, public funding for fertility treatments is limited, which can make assisted reproduction inaccessible to those who cannot afford the treatments themselves.
In Spain, assisted reproduction has become a more accessible option for a wider range of people thanks to legislation such as the Assisted Reproduction Law of 2006, which guarantees universal access to these treatments regardless of the marital status or sexual orientation of the patients. This inclusive legislation has been crucial in eliminating barriers and stigmas, promoting equal opportunities for all people who wish to start a family and also allowing people from more restrictive countries like Italy the possibility to come to Spain to undergo these treatments.
At Mater Clinic, we have a specialized department for all our Italian patients, who, like Emma, may only have the option to come to Spain to have the chance to fulfill their dream of becoming mothers. We also have a wide range of Assisted Reproduction treatments and are experts in late motherhood, single mothers, and the ROPA method, with services supported and cared for by professionals who are native Italian speakers. Both our director, who is Italian, and our online and in-clinic assistance, are available in Italian.
At Mater Clinic, we feel honored to accompany our patients on their journey to fertility. If you are interested in starting it, do not hesitate to write to us. We will be delighted to hear your story.
At Mater Clinic, we have human professionals always ready to answer your questions. If you want more information, you can write to us without any obligation or schedule an appointment with us. We are on doctoralia, or you can write to us on our WhatsApp number at +34 645 096 548 or through the contact method of your preference. We will be happy to talk to you!