Egg Donation Specialists
We are experts in egg donation. Our gynecologists and biologists excel in any type of egg donation process. Although we like to prioritize the patient's own oocytes, we can achieve high success rates in all egg donation treatments, thanks to an exclusive and proven protocol.
Diferentes conjuntos de analíticas a tu disposición para evaluar de manera completa tu salud.
Biological Transport Specialists
Exploración no invasiva para evaluar órganos reproductivos, clave en la detección precoz de anomalías.
Ecografía 5d
Es una experiencia avanzada y conmovedora que ofrece imágenes tridimensionales en movimiento y alta definición del bebé en el útero.
Gamete Bank
Es un método anticonceptivo de larga duración, pequeño y flexible, que ofrece protección contra el embarazo hasta por 3 a 10 años.
Según se indique, abdominal o tansvaginal son exámenes de diagnóstico por imagen que utilizan ondas sonoras para crear imágenes del interior del cuerpo.
Test de
Papiloma Virus
Es una prueba médica que detecta la presencia del Virus del Papiloma Humano, un importante factor de riesgo para el cáncer cervical.
Tratamiento SOP
Incluye evaluación hormonal, consejos sobre manejo de síntomas, tratamiento y estrategias de estilo de vida para mejorar tu salud.
Dr. Jean
Ginecología y Reproducción Asistida
El Dr. Jean encarna la nueva generación de especialistas en ginecología y reproducción asistida, combinando una formación internacional de élite con un enfoque profundamente humano.
Graduado con honores de un prestigioso programa en Cuba, el Dr. Jean ha perfeccionado sus conocimientos en reproducción asistida en Sevilla. Su trayectoria, respaldada por becas internacionales, refleja su excepcional talento y dedicación.
Multilingüe y culturalmente versátil, el Dr. Jean ofrece una atención personalizada en español y francés, entre otros idiomas. Su enfoque pionero integra los últimos avances en epigenética para mejorar la salud femenina y la fertilidad, estableciendo un nuevo estándar en el cuidado holístico.
Lo que distingue al Dr. Jean es su capacidad única para fusionar rigor científico con una atención cálida y empática. Dedicado a crear un ambiente de confianza, garantiza a cada paciente el tiempo y la dedicación necesarios para abordar sus necesidades de manera integral.
Elige al Dr. Jean para experimentar una atención ginecológica y de la fertilidad de vanguardia, donde la innovación científica se une a un cuidado verdaderamente humano y personalizado.
Multilingüe y culturalmente versátil
el Dr. Jean ofrece una atención personalizada en español y francés, entre otros idiomas. Su enfoque pionero integra los últimos avances en epigenética para mejorar la salud femenina y la fertilidad, estableciendo un nuevo estándar en el cuidado holístico.
Rigor científico con una atención cálida y empática
Lo que distingue al Dr. Jean es su capacidad única para fusionar rigor científico con una atención cálida y empática. Dedicado a crear un ambiente de confianza, garantiza a cada paciente el tiempo y la dedicación necesarios para abordar sus necesidades de manera integral.
Meet our Gynecologist Betty Jaramillo, your specialist in Women's Health.
Dr. Jaramillo specialized in gynecology and obstetrics at the prestigious Von Humboldt University in Berlin and the Charité-Hospital Virchow in Germany, where she developed part of her professional career. She has also complemented her experience with practices at the Albert Einstein Hospital in New York. Thanks to these years, she speaks German and English fluently in addition to her mother tongue, Spanish. She also had extensive experience in Spain, in Malaga, and in the Alicante region. During her long career in different countries, she has received numerous professional recognitions, for example, being a special guest of the Ministry of Health of Chile in Antofagasta, at the North Healthcare Center “CAN”.
Her extensive professional experience has led her to specialize even in the most complicated techniques of gynecology, such as endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery. Her high technical knowledge is also accompanied by her incredible empathy and kindness, and above all, by her unique vision of women's well-being, which makes her one of the most trained gynecologists in the field of integrative gynecology as well.
Egg Donation Specialists
Our clinic is renowned for its thorough knowledge of everything concerning egg donation. We understand the importance of using one's own eggs whenever possible but are ready to offer you our expert guidance should egg donation become your choice or necessity. Our team of experts, at every stage of the process, is here to assist you in exploring all the available options for your specific case, advising you on the most effective solutions. We are committed to providing you with excellent service, paying maximum attention to every detail of your personalized treatment.
Experts in late motherhood
We are experts in supporting patients through the most delicate phases of this journey, both (when possible) with the use of their own eggs and through egg donation. We will find the most suitable solutions even for those who begin to fight against time due to clinical or legislative limits, knowing how to show them the most appropriate paths to achieve motherhood in time, in full respect of regulations and their health.
Success rates
Egg Donation Specialists
We are experts in egg donation. Our gynecologists and biologists excel in any type of egg donation process. Although we like to prioritize the patient's own oocytes, we can achieve high success rates in all egg donation treatments, thanks to an exclusive and proven protocol.
Biological Transport Specialists
We specialize in transporting biological material, especially reproductive cells. We have specialized staff, exclusive security systems, continuous surveillance, and the use of the best methods for transport and conservation, always with great care, dedication, and attention to every detail of the shipping and receiving process.
Gamete Bank
Through our internal egg biobank in the clinic, we maintain strict control over the entire gamete acquisition process: from donor selection to gamete preservation. We are specialists in the entire donation process, which allows us to guarantee high-quality gametes.
Our bank
We have our own female gamete bank, which enables us to offer a wide range of compatibilities for our egg donation treatments. This significantly reduces waiting times and costs for our patients. To learn more about our bank, do not hesitate to visit the dedicated section we have prepared for you.
el embarazo y nacimiento
de tu futuro bebé
Meet the team
hat supports you every step of the way.
Hemograma Completo
Tiempo de protrombina + IRN
T. de Tromboplastina Parcial Activado (APTT)
Colesterol total